Security Report

※ On this page, you can report breaches of security, particularly involving unauthorized disclosure of SEMCO’s core technologies and management information. Submit your reports and queries of any of the following categories, and our officers in charge will get in touch with you at the earliest possible time.

'Ethical Management' Menu 'Report'
Report any acts of corruption, inequality, and bribery involving executives, employees, or both.
'Compliance Program' Menu 'Report'
Report any acts or practices of unfair transactions and trade, unfair collusive behavior, or other violations or breaches of rules and codes applying to personnel management, intellectual properties, the natural environment, and safety.
'SUPPORT' Menu 'Contact Us'
receives queries regarding products, job openings, investor relations, marketing, etc.

Consent to collection and use of personal data for security report

※ Pursuant to the Privacy Protection Act and other applicable laws, Samsung notifies persons affected and secures their consent, before collecting and using personal information they provide.

1. Purpose of Collecting Personal Information

It is for assigning an appropriate person in charge for the customer's inquiry, verifying the reported facts, or replying to the customer's inquiries and reports. The collected personal data will not be used for any purpose other than specified, and if the purpose of its collection is changed, the user will be notified thereof in advance and his or her consent will be sought.

2. Personal Information We Collect
  • Required Items : None
  • Optional Items : First Name, Last Name, Company, Contact Number, E-mail
  • Information Automatically Collected : IP (Internet Protocol), Cookies, Access log
3. Terms of Retention and Usage of Personal Information

In principle your information will be immediately destroyed upon achievement of purpose of collecting personal information. However, the data is retained for one year so that it may be used as evidence for consultation processing details and as data for generating FAQs for duplicate inquiries. Also, we are entitled to retain your personal information as provided by the relevant law.

※ You have the right to deny the collection and usage of your personal information and there will be no restrictions for providing ‘Security Report’ information. However, disagreement of collecting personal information, may delay the ‘Security Report’ information processing.

I have read the above and agree to the collection and use of personal information.

Contact Information

※ While we will strictly keep your identity confidential, and also accept reports on conditions of anonymity without any names or contact information of reporters given, you will help us greatly in making our investigations faster and more accurate if you leave us with your contact information. We will inform you of our findings by either telephone or E-mail as soon as possible.

* Required Field

  • Guideline on reporting:

    ※ Attach your file if your report will likely exceed 1,000 Korean characters.

    1. 1. Describe the problem in detail.
    2. 2. When did the problem occur, and how long did it last (from when to when)?
    3. 3. Which departments, executives, and/or employees are involved?
  • Attachments

    • ※ jpg, jpeg, gif, png, bmp, doc, docx, hwp, xls, xlsx, zip, pdf, ppt, pptx files only
    • ※ Up to 10MB
    • ※ Please take extra precaution when attaching a file if it contains your personal information.
  • -

    Ex) +1 31-1234-1234, +1 03112341234

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