- Youth Education
- Blue Elephant
- Samsung SW academy for youth
- Dream Class
- Stepping Stone of Hope
- Win-Win Cooperation
- Addressing Environmental Issues
- Urban-rural Co-existence Campaign
- Employee Volunteering
- Support for Employees’ Donation
Youth Education Programs

Blue Elephant
This program designed to prevent youth cyberbullying runs cyberbullying eradication campaigns and prevention education, as well as provides counseling for victims of cyberbullying.
Samsung SW academy for youth
This program helps unemployed young people find jobs by providing software skills training using Samsung's software training and recruitment know-how.
Dream Class
Through this program designed to bridge “dream gaps,” employees, experts, and college students serve as mentors for middle school students with difficult educational conditions (basic livelihood security recipients, low-income class) to help them explore careers, build capabilities, and receive basic education.
Stepping Stone of Hope
This program is designed to help youth who age out of foster care (age 18) and step into society to build self-reliance by providing one-on-one customized education tailored to the residential space and individual capabilities.
WebsiteWin-Win Cooperation Programs

Addressing Environmental Issues
For a sustainable society, we run a program to reduce water pollution and preserve rivers and aquatic ecosystems near our business sites.
Urban-rural Co-existence Campaign
Starting with the signing of an agreement with Togomi Village in Hwacheon-gun, Gangwon Province in 2002, we have partnered with 17 sister villages and engaged in exchange activities such as farm stays and securing sales channels through direct trading markets during the holiday season.
Employee Volunteering
Samsung Electro-Mechanics employees have been actively participating in various volunteer activities for underserved communities, children, people with disabilities, multicultural families, and the elderly. We also carry out environmental volunteer activities and donate talent for communication and harmony with the local community.
Support for Employees’ Donation
Employees voluntarily donate a portion of their salary every month. Employees can select and donate to a specific youth education or win-win cooperation program, and the company donates the same amount as the employee's contribution through a matching grant program.